PHU SON Corporation congratulated the Inauguration Ceremony and would like to thank the business entrepreneurs of the door industry in Quang Tri province for collaborating with the Executive Board of the Vietnam Door Association and the Executive Board of the Knowledge Door Fund – Winging the future of the Association for Reality. very meaningful jobs in a historical place of the country – completed the construction and handover of the kindergarten in Khe Me village, Do Linh district, Quang Tri province. On February 17, 2022, the Vietnam Door Association in collaboration with the People’s Committee of Linh Truong Commune, the Department of Education and Training of Gio Linh District held the inauguration ceremony, handing over the classroom at Khe Me Village Kindergarten, belonging to the Kindergarten. Non Linh Truong No. 1. The classroom at Khe Me Village Kindergarten was built with a total cost of 600 million VND. In which, “The Fund of Knowledge Door – Winging the Future” of Vietnam Door Association sponsored 550 million VND to build a classroom with a self-contained toilet with an area of ​​100 m2; HMA Vietnam Group Joint Stock Company and Kore Company Slim sliding doors support a package of teaching and learning equipment worth VND 50 million. Vietnam Door Association was established in July 2020 is a social and professional organization operating in the field of door-related production, business, service and commerce in Vietnam. Chairman of the Vietnam Door Association Ngo Quoc Huan said that after nearly 2 years of operation, the association has linked businessesacross the country to mobilize billions of dong to organize charity and humanitarian activities such as: supporting the construction of saltwater filter tanks in the western provinces, supporting people in the central region affected by natural disasters, contributing to the COVID-19 prevention fund, etc. The fund “door of knowledge – wings to the future” is supported by the Association. Vietnam Door was established to call for benefactors to join hands to support disadvantaged localities, units and individuals in the field of education and training. Principal of Linh Truong Kindergarten No. 1 Pham Thi Ngoc said: “The school has 2 schools, in which, Khe Me village school currently has 50 children from 2 villages Song Ngan and Khe Me studying. Putting the classroom at Khe Me village school into operation will help the school have more facilities to mobilize 20 more children of school age.”