PHU SON Corporation HCM completed the installation and technology transfer of automatic glass tempered glass convection technology with LANDGLASS box fan system at TASON GLASS TECHNOLOGY. Sincere thanks to the close and effective cooperation of THAI SON Company and TASON GLASS TECHNOLOGY factory, special appreciation for the big smile of Tu Thai Son and Mr. Bryan Tran!
January 21, 2020 is the last working day for employees of PHU SON Corporation HCM and HN in Ky Hoi year – closing another year full of emotions, efficiency and getting more happy smiles from investors, partners and each employee. Those fundamental values, together with the eagerness to welcome 2020, promise to continue to create a new year of good development.
The Board of Directors of PHU SON Corporation once again would like to thank you for the valuable cooperation of our customers, partners, friends and all employees. Respectfully respect all people and their loved ones to welcome Spring happily, happily, Happy New Year and wellbeing.