

Glass Cutting Machine GENIUS 31 CT LM – INTERMAC

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GLASFUL Vacuum glass lifting equipment at EURO_G A

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TOPTECH Semi-automatic Laminated Glass Processing Line TAN NHAT MINH GLASS

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FUSHAN – Glass Double Edging Machine Line at DAI DAI DUONG GLASS

The team engineering of PHU SON Corporation HCM completed the installation of FUSHAN - Glass Double Edging Machine Line at DAI DAI DUONG GLASS factory.

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The Front-Runner of CNC Glass Machinery Manufacturer – GLASSMAN

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INTERMAC automatic system of loading + cutting + breaking glass at ANH TUAN GLASS.

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INTERMAC automatic system of loading + cutting + breaking glass at DANA GLASS

Team engineering PHU SON Corporation HCM - HN completed the installation and transfer INTERMAC automatic system of loading + cutting + breaking glass at DANA GLASS factory.

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Hiseng automatic glass four side polished edging line at EUROWINDOW 2

The team engineers of PHU SON Corporation HCM install HISENG automatic glass four side polished edging line at factory EUROWINDOW 2                             [...]

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TOPTECH automatic laminated safety glass production line at ANH TUAN GLASS.

TOPTECH automatic laminated safety glass production line technology of heat convection by circulatory fan system is suitable for product glass tempered and pasted glass has come to ANH TUAN GLASS factory.

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GOLF TOURNAMENT 2017 – Celebrates the 15th anniversary of EUROWINDOW.

Chairman of PHU SON Corporation - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Glass -  Tho Le Van participated in the GOLF TOURNAMENT 2017 celebrating 15 years of EUROWINDOW

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