Activity News

//Activity News

PHU SON Corporation HCM delivered BANGTONG automatic glass rough grinding machine for the bottom & straight edge at PHU VAN LOC GLASS factory

PHU SON Corporation HCM delivered BANGTONG automatic glass rough grinding machine for the bottom & straight edge at PHU VAN LOC GLASS factory. The machine has a structure of 4 grinding head combinations on 3 [...]

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PHU SON Corporation unloaded container of BOVONI glass edging machines

PHU SON Corporation unloaded container of BOVONI glass edging machines - PHU SON Corporation brand has spent more than 2 years to survey, coordinate and request adjustments to design details to reach the perfect threshold. [...]

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PHU SON Corporation HCM completed the installation and transfer of YF WATERJET cutting machine at PHONG PHU GLASS factory.

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PHU SON Corporation delivered BLUETECH autoclave for safety laminating glass production line at the VU TUAN GLASS factory

PHU SON Corporation delivered BLUETECH autoclave for safety laminating glass production line at the VU TUAN GLASS factory very late at night to avoid record heat.

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PHU SON Corporation HCM completed the installation and transfer of BANGTONG automatic glass straight line rough edging machine at THIEN PHUC GLASS factory.

PHU SON Corporation HCM completed the installation and transfer of BANGTONG automatic glass straight line rough edging machine at THIEN PHUC GLASS factory. The machine has a structure of 4 grinding head combinations that operate [...]

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BANGTONG automatic glass straight line rough edging machine at THIEN PHUC GLASS factory

PHU SON Corporation HCM delivered and installed BANGTONG automatic glass straight line rough edging machine at THIEN PHUC GLASS factory. The machine has a structure of 4 grinding head combinations that operate independently and continuously [...]

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YBKE automatic production line for super-large insulating glass with double chamber combining and pressing technology filled with argon gas online at China Glass 2024

YBKE introduced an automatic production line for super-large insulating glass (3000x8000mm) with double chamber combining and pressing technology filled with argon gas online at China Glass 2024. The line was so long that it had to [...]

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GLASSMAN large format 5-axis 2-directions vertical glass CNC drilling and milling machine at TAN NHAT MINH GLASS factory

PHU SON Corporation completed the installation and technology transfer of GLASSMAN large format 5-axis 2-directions vertical glass CNC drilling and milling machine at TAN NHAT MINH GLASS factory  

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GLASSMAN large format 5-axis 2-directions vertical glass CNC drilling and milling machine at TAN NHAT MINH GLASS factory

PHU SON Corporation installed GLASSMAN large format 5-axis 2-directions vertical glass CNC drilling and milling  machine at TAN NHAT MINH GLASS factory

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YINRUI automatic glass loading-cutting-breaking line at THIEN PHU GLASS factory.

PHU SON Corporation HCM completed the installation and transfer of YINRUI automatic glass loading-cutting-breaking line at THIEN PHU GLASS factory.

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